Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Photochemistryis  the  study  of  chemical  reactions  resulting  from  the  exposure  of  light radiations. Light supplies the required energy to take place the photochemical reactions.
 The visible  and  UV  radiations  (2000-8000Ǻ  wavelength)  are  mainly  used  in  photochemical reactions.
All photochemical  reactionstake  place  in  two  steps.
 In  the firststep,  the  reacting molecules  are  activated  by  absorption  of  light.
 In  the  second  step,  the  activated  molecules undergo a photochemical change.

For example, in the combination of hydrogen and chlorine, the first step is

 Cl2+  hv→2Cl.
The activated chlorine atoms (Cl.)then undergoes chemical reaction
It is evident from the above reaction that the second step can occur in absence of light.

Characteristics of photochemical reaction:
1.Photochemical reactions take place by absorption of light.
2.When  a  light  composing  number  of  colours  is  used,  the  photochemical  reaction  may not be initiated by all colours.
3.The  free  energy  change  of  a  photochemical  reaction  may  be  either negative  or positive.

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