Sunday, July 21, 2019

Biology and toxicology of lanthanides

lanthanoids are used in the production of batteries, lasers and other technological devices. Some lanthanoids salts, such as the salts of lanthanum, cerium and gadolinium  are
increasingly used in a clinical setting, for example, as a phosphate binder in the treatment of renal osteodys- trophy or as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) contrast agents. Lanthanoids (Ln) show a biological behaviour very similar to that of Ca2+, as they have similar ionic radii. Lanthanoids are mostly trivalent and therefore possess a higher charge than Ca2+. Lanthanoids display a high
binding affinity to calcium-binding sites in biological molecules and to water molecules. The coordination number for lanthanoids varies from 6 to 12. Mostly, eight or nine water molecules are coordinated to the lanthanoid ion. This is a significantly lower coordination number compared to that of calcium, which is 6.

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