Sunday, June 9, 2019

Hard and Soft Water

Hard water contains high amounts of mineral ions. The most common ions found in hard water are the soluble metal cations such as magnesium & calcium, though iron, aluminium, and manganese may also be found in certain areas. Presence of these metal salts in the form of bicarbonate,chloride and sulphate in water makes water ‘hard’. When hard water is boiled carbonates of magnesium and calcium present in it gets precipitated. On the other hand, water free from soluble salts of calcium and magnesium is called soft water. The hardness of water is of two types, viz., temporary hardness and
permanent hardness.

In general, hard water is not harmful for health. In fact, it may confer some benefits because it is rich in minerals and reduces the solubility of potentially toxic metal ions such as lead and copper.The most common technique to determine the hardness of water is by looking at sud formation with soap. There is less lather formation when soap is used with hard water compared to soft water. Instead a white precipitate (soap scum) is produced. Another way in which water manifests its hardness is scaling.

Reference :ClickHere

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