Saturday, August 3, 2019


Coronene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) comprising six peri-fused benzene rings. Its chemical formula is C 24H 12. It is a yellow material that dissolves in common solvents including benzene, toluene, and dichloromethane.  It has been used as a solvent probe, similar to pyrene.
It can be described by 20 resonance structures or by a set of three mobile Clar sextets. Coronene occurs naturally as the very rare mineral carpathite, which is characterized by flakes of pure coronene embedded in sedimentary rock. Coronene is produced in the petroleum-refining process of hydrocracking, where it can dimerize to a fifteen ring PAH, trivially named "dicoronylene".
 Coronene has been used in the synthesis of graphene. For example, coronene molecules evaporated onto a copper surface at 1000 degrees Celcius will form a graphene lattices.


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