Saturday, May 18, 2019

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry is an international Organizations that represents chemists in individual countries. which sets specific standards in chemistry in order to maintain consistency from one chemist to another. This allows chemists to talk to each other and always understand exactly what the other chemist is talking about.
It is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU). IUPAC is registered in Zürich, Switzerland.This administrative office is headed by IUPAC's executive director currently Lynn Soby.

Responsibilities of IUPAC:
-.Nomenclature, naming compounds
-.Standardizing weights and constants
-.Establishing proper review and publication of scientific papers
IUPAC standardized the periodic table Periodic table
Today IUPAC has met all of these goals.
 We have a standardized weight for each of the elements, a specific number for Avogadro's number, and many other standards based on the work of IUPAC. There is a name for each molecule that any chemist can use to determine the structure of the molecule, based simply on the name.

Source --Wikkipedia and

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