Saturday, January 4, 2020

Chemical warfare agents and treatment strategies

Chemical warfare agents is the substances that have toxic effects on the environment and human. Which cause a large number of deaths and disabilities in a short time.The short term effects of these agents  may be leads to 
long term reflections which can  affect the next generation. During the world war it plays a vital role to destroying anything. Five million deaths were happened  only due to nerve agents. The World War II has used large scale  of the use of chemical agents. Due to these detrimental effects, their usage is restricted or prohibited by various international organizations. Chemical
agents have been used by some countries and terrorist groups. Effects of these agents can take part vary from basic symptoms such as nose irritation to serious problems such as respiratory arrest. Healthcare professionals working in  these agents should have sufficient knowledge and know about precaution methods  and be aware of their effects on the body.
In 1915 Clorine was used by Germany when nearly 10,000
people died and over a million people got injured by chemical agents. Syria also used chemical agents against civilions in  2012. After this the utilization of chemical
weapons  against civilians in Douma city, East Ghouta and Syria was increased. Chemical warfare agents are cheap and toxic compounds which are produced and can be stored easily. They may be utilized as a weapon. Their use is controlled by Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) (Geneva) and Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), some countries and terrorist groups disobey the prohibition. 


Reference: DOI: 10.5455/annalsmedres.2018.08.166

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